The intent of this letter is a way of introducing an idea or concept which is believed to be long overdue. Today, most are aware of the existing political climate in our nation, state and community. A climate of divisiveness, uncertainty and unnecessary rancor in the current political climate.
It is time for those of us who have long been silent and inactive to speak up, communicate and have influence in the public political discourse. Passiveness has allowed those we have elected to direct the future of our families, neighborhoods and communities without true accountability and essential feedback.
The place we call home, the community in which we live and work and is in the hands of the people we have put in positions of leadership and management and it is the responsibility of all of us to provide overwatch and feedback to our elected officials and community leaders.
Overreach of local and national government authority needs to be corrected. Taxation, education, government spending, election integrity, and perhaps most important of all, the accountability of those we have elected or placed in authority or leadership needs to be in the hands of all, not a few.
We are a silent majority of taxpayers, parents, grandparents, retirees and business owners. In an effort to gain a voice, we have decided to create a forum, a group, a gathering place of concerned citizens who can share ideas and create strategies which can bring awareness to the direction of our community, state and country. More importantly, we need to bring accountability to our elected officials and government leaders who have lost sight of who they represent and the foundational ideas which led to the creation of the freedoms our forefathers fought and sacrificed for so many years ago.
Please read and reflect upon the following pages. Your thoughts and suggestions for a path forward on this journey are appreciated.
God Speed.