Get Involved:
Be an American Who Stands!

Hundreds of years ago when our forefathers signed their signatures on the Declaration of Independence they committed to an idea; an idea of a nation founded on freedom and liberty. They risked it all, their lives, their fortunes and took a stand. It’s your turn to stand. We have an identity, Americans Who Stand, and now we need to take action. Please consider joining with your neighbor, your co-worker and your fellow church members, and form a local group to watch over those who we have elected. Meet regularly, talk on the phone, email, keep track of political agendas, attend meetings, share thoughts and take action when needed. Recruit, support and elect like-minded people. In most localities, very few votes are needed to win positions on the school board, the city council, the county board, the office of district attorney and judicial positions. Get to know your state and federal representatives. Make sure they know your group is monitoring their work, all politics is local. Stay informed, be vocal and remember, when discussing issues, frame your response with what is best for those of us with the least. We are advocates, we find better answers using the free enterprise system and capitalism.

Below you will find information on how to contact state and federal elected officials. Collect and distribute contact information for your local government to your group. Well-informed citizens wield great power.

Please let us know about progress in your area / community.

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